Be Heard.

Aloha change makers!


                                    Voting Puns (

Democracy. We've been given it...but what is it? It's the right to participate in decision-making processes. It is based on political equality, majority rule, and the protection of minority rights.

At the core of democracy lies "participation." It's the active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes, such as voting in elections, engaging in political activism, and holding elected representatives accountable.

Conversations often start with criticism of the government and its decision-making techniques. However, they should end with discussions on how we, as citizens, can utilize our democracy to effect change in the society we live in.

Choosing someone in an election is the act of voting. Through voting, we express our opinions and let the government know what we want (it's also the foundation of democracy in South Africa). The 2024 elections in South Africa are a significant event, and staying informed is crucial. It's the one time when power is vested in the hands of the people.

Voting in elections is our way as South Africans to express our opinions, saying yes or no to bills that affect us as taxpayers. Over the next four years, there will be no other way to hold our leaders accountable. The diversity in voting allows for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard and considered in the governance of the state.

A question that sticks with me is, "Which problem would you tackle if you had all the time and resources?" It's the road to decision-making in South Africa. From government to citizen. There's a gap between the original and translated versions. More systems should be put in place to ensure that this gap is confined.

 "Who will stand up and stop all the wrongs?" YOUTH CHANGE MAKERS!

The truth is, we only get to vote every 4 years, and by that time, many citizens are demotivated to vote. The elected party remains in power, bills come to pass, and we are often silenced by discouragement. Eventually, due to the lack of participation in our democracy, tensions can escalate, and conflicts may arise, leading to wars caused by bruised egos, resulting in the loss of many lives.

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

 2024 National and Provincial Elections to be held on 29 May 2024.

Voter registration applications 

    Voter Portal - Home (
Why does electricity not like to vote? It doesn’t want to elect ron.


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