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Be Heard.

Aloha change makers! LET'S TALK                                      Voting Puns ( Democracy . We've been given it...but what is it? It's the right to participate in decision-making processes. It is based on political equality, majority rule, and the protection of minority rights. At the core of democracy lies "participation." It's the active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes, such as voting in elections, engaging in political activism , and holding elected representatives accountable. Conversations often start with criticism of the government and its decision-making techniques. However, they should end with discussions on how we, as citizens, can utilize our democracy to effect change in the society we live in. Choosing someone in an election is the act of voting. Through voting, we express our opinions and let the government know what we want (it's also the foundation of democracy in South Africa ). The 2024 elections in So

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