The heart behind

Bonjour change makers!


What is real homelessness? Firstly, we need to take into account that there are multiple dimensions of homelessness and that the pathways into and out of homelessness are not linear. A deeper understanding of homelessness draws beyond lacking a roof over your head; it includes disadvantages such as socio-economic opportunities essential for human survival, such as employment, health care and education, among many more. 

The strict definition of homelessness is a state of being unhoused or unsheltered – it is the condition of lacking stable, safe and functional housing. Let us not confuse that with the expanded definition we have created to ease our guilt for not adding R2 at the KFC drive through on pay day. Which we then stereotype all homeless individuals ' armed, lazy and addicts.'

Despite the effort to bring about a difference giving leftover change has proven to do little good. To elaborate, beside alcohol and drugs also playing a part in their situation giving beggars money encourages this and keeps them on the street. Turning a blind eye while waiting on the red light to hide the regret is no solution either. To make issues worse only one out of ten homeless South Africans receive their grants. Others barely make enough money begging to avoid starvation. 

Often vagrants do not ask for money directly, but rather for food. If you have time to spare and there is a shop nearby, it is advised to ask what they want -normally bread and milk - and buy what you can afford for them. Alternatively, you can purchase food vouchers at local shops.

when you look at a class of first graders you see: future lawyers and change makers, but We don't often look at homeless youth and see their potential – future doctors, entrepreneurs or homeowners – rather the first thing that comes to mind is 'why aren't you at school' or 'dirty children'. This is what happens when kids are left to fend for themselves or are kicked out of their homes. Ambiguously it's this mindset we pass on to the next generation that keeps the system the way it is.

All homeless people have ambition, dreams, goals and desire to be someone. Who they currently are is not a result of 'being lazy'. This is not what they wanted to grow up to be. If so, we wouldn't have as many informal reclaimers in South Africa.

Human rights belong to every human simply for being human, so if we don't proceed with that slightest act of kindness, we think won't make a difference in just one person's life then who will? It's up to us to make humanity, love and care a norm so it gives the next person a challenge to do the same thing. 

"You look at a potato and see: a mashed potato, baked potato, French fries, potato salad, hash browns, roasted potato, potato stew. You   look at a homeless person and see: a homeless person." - Raising the roof org


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